Sunday, 11 August 2013

Superheroes Day

On Friday we all came to school dressed up as a Superhero.  We have been sharing our knowledge of  Superheroes with each other.  In E6 we brainstormed together to find out what we already know about Superheroes.    We know a lot about Superheroes!

We came to school dressed up as Superhero.  
Can you spot some Superheroes you know?

We can't wait to find out who some of the real 
Superheroes are that live in our community!


  1. Colleen (Joshua's mum)12 August 2013 at 01:41

    What amazing superheroes. You all look fabulous. I wonder what super powers you would choose to use.

  2. What amazing superheroes! You all look fabulous. I wonder what super powers you would choose to use?

  3. Wow sounds like fun!


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