Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Harold the Giraffe

Today was a special day in E6 because we went to see Jo and Harold the Giraffe. We got to go inside the special classroom.     

It was a truck classroom.  It was dark and had no windows.  Some of us got a fright when it got really dark but Jo showed us how she made the lights glow.   We loved looking up at the star lights on the ceiling.  We pretended to throw star dust up into the air and Jo made them twinkle for us.

We thought it looked so beautiful.

We met Harold.  He was shy so we gave him a friendly wave.  Harold waved at us with his ears and we thought that was really cool.

Jo told us how important it is to eat a balanced diet.  That means that you eat lots of different foods so that your body has energy to grow and stay strong.  We made a food pyramid puzzle on the classroom wall with Jo.  We liked sticking the pieces on by ourselves.

We met Jo's friend Tam.  She is just pretend and made of plastic.  We got to see where the food goes when Tam eats it.  Tam's body helped us to learn about our own body.

Raphy was the brain doctor.  He showed us how the healthy blood travels up to the brain.

We learned that the food goes into our tummies and then into our blood.  Our blood pumps all around our body from our brain right down to our toes!  

Joshua was the heart doctor.  He pointed to the heart and showed us how the heart pumps the blood all around our body inside special tubes called veins and arteries.'

We can't wait to see Harold and Jo again tomorrow.  We are going to make our own healthy food pyramid on our classroom wall.

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